In order to satisfy our valued customers by providing our services with the best possible quality
Cancellation Policy:
You can cancel the order 24 hours before receiving it, unless production has begun, by contacting the person responsible for following up on your orders.
In the event that your request has been processed, we ask you to return it in accordance with the return policy mentioned below
Returns Policy:
1- Goods that have been received cannot be returned except due to a manufacturing error or an error in receiving the order documented on WhatsApp.
2- If the return is approved, you are entitled to return the products to Cham Accessory within 7 days only from the date of the invoice.
3- It is not possible to return or exchange any parts designed on demand or based on a special request from the customer.
4- The return process is carried out at no additional cost for products that have a manufacturing defect
5- If you wish to return your products after 7 days from the date of purchase and up to two months, the purchases can be returned after deducting 40% of the invoice value.
6- If you want to return the products after a period of two months from the date of the invoice, 80% of the invoice value will be deducted and the return will be made.
The payment process begins after receiving the goods that should be returned and after they have been inspected and approved. Payment may take 14 days, and the paid amounts will be returned directly to your account in the company, or paid directly to you or by bank transfer.
Replacement Policy:
Purchases can be exchanged according to the same rules applicable to the returns policy (see section above on returns). But please note that purchases can be exchanged after deducting 20% of the invoice value.